5 Reasons Why You Should Do Yoga Everyday

2 min readJan 21, 2021

Just 10 minutes of Yoga can change your life for good.

Everyone knows that Yoga is a great way for staying fit. What most people don't know is that Yoga is one of the most rewarding exercises.

You don't have to do it for an hour every day. Don't put pressure on yourself. Just 10–15 minutes of yoga a day is enough to keep you fit and flexible. Start Small. And then build on it.

Here are 5 benefits of doing Yoga and why its worth it:

1. Helps you relax

Yoga is one of the best stressbusters. It relaxes both your body and your mind. Feeling tired after work? Do Yoga. Feeling anxious? Do Yoga. Feeling low? Do Yoga.

2. Improves your fitness

This is is a no-brainer. Yoga poses improve your body's motion, build muscle strength and increase your body’s blood supply.

Doing different poses can improve your endurance as well as your stamina.

3. Calms you down

Regular Yoga makes you more mindful and gives you clarity. It calms you down, improves your focus, and make you better at dealing with everyday challenges.

4. A Great Start To Your Day

Doing Yoga in the morning can be a great start to your day. It’ll calm you down and relax you to get on with your work. Starting your day with the right mindset can become very fruitful in the long run.

5. Improve Your Posture

Posture is not just how other people see you. A good posture is essential in staying fit.

Yoga improves your posture. You’ll most like sit and stand tall. Your body awareness increases.

6. Better Sleep

Yoga tires out your body and calms your mind. Some poses can improve your quality of sleep. And not just those specific poses, doing Yoga regularly will help you sleep so much better.

7. Gives You A Chance To Show Off

And last but not the least, it’ll give you the chance to flex your flexibility. Now, who wouldn't like that?

